Windows 11 the new operating system everyone hates, or loves, we don’t know but our take three media team loves it!
If your updating your pc and want to install windows 11 but your getting the pesky “system requirements not met” then you need yourself a TPM module.
TPM Modules are actually readily available from amazon on the left, but be sure its compatible with your mother board.
This model plugs into a free USB pin header on your motherboard, you can find a compatibility list on the ASUS website.
Also check to see you have a free USB pin head, this is easy as they are labelled and all you need to do is remove the side of your PC case to have a look.
We don’t recommend using REGEDIT to modify the security settings as this will met with your computer in a way not intended.
If you are looking to use regedit here is a tutorial from TechRadar but we had no luck making this method work.
Heres a quick one, look at this webhost for your business