Many people have been affected in one way or another by the latest pandemic, we have collated 5 things that may change forever.
1. Working From Home

As you may know social distancing has meant we are working from our dining room tables and front rooms on laptops, this has been a new experience for many, but it dose have advantages, not only are business owners saving on office costs, heating and water but those savings are being made in car fuel and the cost of eating out or buying lunch, could working from home be the new way forward?
2. Washing our hands

A habit of washing our hands at every turn is being instilled in our minds, young minds especially, but will this last? We hope so, completing a simple task of washing our hands can become a habit and once that is achieved were all going to be better off, germs will spread less, and hospitals will benefit.
3. Calling our relatives

Since lockdown began the surge of communication has been massive, the older generations have been bought in line with the latest tech and are having more social interaction than ever, could this be a new way of helping the elderly stay feeling loved and will it last?
4. Food Delivery

More and More people are having food delivered to their homes, not just from supermarkets but businesses who are providing meal kits to help maintain a healthy diet, both can save plenty of time and make your life easier, but will it continue after lockdown finishes.
5. Home Life

With families staying at home it was inevitable we would get closer than ever before, many families across the world have had plenty of time to live and learn together, children off school and parents home from work mean more family dinners and plenty of time spent relaxing and playing together, we hope things stay this way as families are very important.